Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stray Dogs

Stray Dogs

The dog is a domestic animal. They are special all the way from their wet nose to the tip of their wagging tail. There really isn't anything to fear about them. Well you should watch out for those strays. Not all strays are mean though. How can you tell if a stray is mean? You have to pay attention to the behavior.

I have been studying dog behavior this week. I've also have had some experiences with strays. When I was younger my sisters and I would go around searching for strays. Their are tons of stories I could tell you but I’m only going to tell three.

The first story is about a Rottweiler named Blacky. It was Thanksgiving and my sisters went dog hunting outside . Dog hunting is just going outside and looking for strays. They came back around dusk. To my surprise they had a Rottweiler following them. It was about time to eat and all my family was over so we left Sebastian (His real name is Blacky) in the backyard. Of course, he could've left at any time because in our backyard pieces of our fence were blown away by a hurricane. After dinner my sisters and I went into the backyard and Sebastian was still there. We played and ran around till Sebastian’s owner walked past and he went through the fence and left. Later my Grandma was putting the turkey in her car and left the trunk open. while she went back in the house to get more stuff Sebastian return and took what was left of the turkey and left. Me and my sisters laughed so  hard the only person who wasn't laughing was my Grandma. So Blacky is just an example of one of those nice strays. If a dog is barking or growling at you step away slowly. DO NOT RUN!!! The dog will just chase you. Trust me I know.

The second dog I’m going to talk about is Paris the Pomeranian. It was the 4th of July and my sister and I were out looking for fireworks. We thought we saw a squirrel walking towards us. For some reason we started chasing it. Then, my sister realized it was a dog. So we chased for about 30 min till we cornered it, lol. My older sister picked up the dog and we walked home. We decided to name her Paris. she was a little shaky. It turns out she was freaked out by loud sounds. It was the 4th of July so she was really scared of the fireworks. My sisters and I cleaned her up, fed her, then went to bed. Of course my mom didn't know we had her over night. The next morning my mom found out the dog was still there. It was Sunday and we had to go to church. We put her in the backyard which had pieces missing in the fence. My mom said, “ If the dog is still there when we get back we can keep her”.  When we got back she was still there:D We kept her for about a year and a half.

The last story is recent. My two little sisters and I were selling Girl Scout cookies in my Grandma’s neighborhood. Then, this big dog whose coat was like a cinnamon color walked up to us. He walked up and layed on his back. That showed us that he did not mean any harm to us and he’s friendly. We rubbed his tummy which was a bad idea because he started following us. I had no problem it but my Aunt and one of my sisters did. Eventually he found a cat and ran away:(

I have hundreds of other stories. I've met so many different breeds like a Bullmastiff, a Pit Bull, a Chihuahua, Terriers, and 2 friendly wolves I thought were huskies. Maybe one day I’ll tell you about the time I met a wolf.

Till next time this has been “4 Legged Friends articles”

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Helping Out Your 4 Legged Friends

Bow Wow Trivia
Daily trivia question for Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The flu season is in full force for humans... can dogs get the flu?
Every dog and cat deserves a decent dinner
Freekibble hearts...1,615,503,600 pieces of kibble donated since 2008
By offering your time or money or just sharing your love of animals you can help improve the pet community as a whole. You’ll also feel better about yourself. There are many ways to help our furry friend. I’m going to give you some tips.

Their are tons of online projects that help homeless pets. Most of them don’t take any money out of your wallet. Some make food donations through advertising sponsorship. Some have reminders so you don’t forget your daily click. For example: Every time you answer one of their questions correctly you donate 10 pieces of kibble to animal shelters. That doesn't sound like a lot but since June 1,2008 Free Kibble as donated 8,530,123 meals (and counting!). Another website sort of like Free Kibble is After you read this you should try one :D

Here's another way to help out. Are you planning a party anytime soon? If so you can share the fun with needy animals in shelters. You can ask every guest to bring something they can donate to the shelter, or you could have a donation jar at your party to help raise money.

Before I go, I want to share one last tip. A great way to help pet lovers without spending a dime is to pass along unused coupons. All you have to do is place an unused coupon under a product in the store.

Well there you go. I hope you try one. My favorite is the free kibble donator. It also seems to be the easiest. Well until next time this is “4 Legged Friends” articles.